Visualising Search & Navigation

Search differences between countries

A large number of online shops and services work across several countries and continents, offering different products to their customers and, in some cases, using even different web pages and online sales platforms. This fact presents the need and opportunity to analyse and compare the behaviour of Search in each country, looking for the strengths and weaknesses of each one of them with the aim of improving the way of presenting the products to our users.

The chart above shows a comparison between five of the countries with the highest Search traffic in Europe, being able to analyse the differences in Search traffic, number of Products clicked and number of Products added to cart. These three values ​​can also be compared depending on the type of Device (Desktop or Mobile) and type of Visit (New or Returning visits).

The main conclusion that can be drawn from the data analysed for this case study is the behaviour of New and Returning visits. In this case, the values ​​for all the countries shown are kept constant, but there is a difference between Search traffic, Products clicked and Products added to cart: although New visits are always majority, the more commitment (*) the value analysed, the greater the number of Returning visits compared to New visits.

(*) In this case, the commitment can be understood as the depth with which the user uses the web page through their searches: the action of adding a product to the cart implies more commitment than clicking on it, and still rather than performing a search.